2019 Echinoderm Protocols - Methods in Cell Biology

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Methods in Cell Biology 2019

In 2019, two volumes of Echinoderm protocols were published in Methods in Cell Biology.

These volumes were edited by Kathy Foltz and Amro Hamdoun.

Volume 150

Section I: Procurement and culturing of established and emerging echinoderm models

Section II: Experimental embryology approaches

Section III: Approaches for assessing environmental influences on adults and embryos

Section IV: Sea urchins in the classroom

Volume 151

1: Fertilization

2: Cytokinesis and embryology

3: Genomics and morphogenesis

Section I: Methods for genome and transcriptome analysis

Section II: Genome-editing and proteomics

Section III: Imaging of echinoderm embryos

Section IV: Methods for measurement of intracellular signals in eggs, sperm and embryos