Xenbase Bug Report Date of bug- MM/DD/YYYY approximate time at which the bug occurred: HH:MM:SS Reporter:[your name] URL at which the bug occurred:[Give the urls from the pages where you first felt that something was wrong] 1. What is the problem? [A brief, one sentence explanation of the bug] 2. What were you trying to do? [A brief explanation of what you were trying to do when the bug occurred] 3. Please give a step-by-step summary of the actions you took from the time you decided to perform the action in question 2 to the time you experienced the bug in question 1. If you were searching for something or changing the properties of something (i.e. changing a user's address), please include the exact text you entered (as far as you can remember). 4. On a scale of 1 to 6, how will this bug impact your ability to use the website? [Put your answer HERE] [1= not at all] [4= Working around this bug requires significant changes in how I use Xenbase] [6= While this bug exists, I cannot use Xenbase to do what I need to do]